Most people don’t realize they can save on many of their monthly bills with a simple phone call. For example, calling cable and internet providers to ask for a discount and can save hundreds of dollars over a year with just a few minutes of work. If you want to save money on some of the most common bills, here are a few scripts you can follow when you pick up the phone to ask for a discount.
Start by gathering information about your account and doing some research to see what you may be able to save.
Details to find from your account:
With that information, you can call your provider’s customer support number, which you can find on your bill or online. If customer support chat is available, that may work instead of a phone call.
You can follow these exact scripts word-for-word or adjust a little if it’s more comfortable for you.
If they don’t offer much, try:
Pro tip: If the first person you reach can’t help, ask for the retention or loyalty department. You can also call back a few hours later and ask a different customer service rep.
Key phrases that work:
Remember to ask about:
After negotiating, it’s time to make sure your promised deal was applied to your account. Review your next bill carefully and confirm all promised changes are applied. If they were not, call back and explain the situation.
Before you move on, set a calendar reminder to negotiate again in 6-12 months. You can try to get a new deal at least annually. As the saying goes, ‘the squeaky wheel gets the grease’. The worst thing that happens if you ask is there isn’t a new deal available. But you could save a small fortune over time if you negotiate lower expenses regularly.
A single hour spent negotiating bills can save you hundreds or even thousands annually. Remember, companies spend significant money acquiring new customers – they’d rather keep you at a discount than lose you altogether.
And even more, the list of places you can save isn’t limited to the bills discussed above. For example, if a landlord sends an annual renewal for your lease with a monthly increase, they may consider negotiating a cut the increase. In other words – it never hurts to try, and you could save hundreds of dollars a year.
Don’t get discouraged if your first attempt doesn’t work. You can always try calling back another day. Different representatives often have different authority levels or friendly attitudes regarding discounts. Keeping these scripts handy and making bill negotiation part of your regular financial maintenance is an excellent financial habit. Your bank account balance will thank you.
If you want to maximize your savings, track the amount you save from each negotiation and put that money directly into savings or investments. It’s an excellent way to turn a few phone calls into lasting wealth.
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1 Standard rates for data and messaging may apply from your wireless provider.
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